Boy Stole my Heart

Sunday, April 19, 2009

me n swade...

Swade is definitely the highlight of my life right now. He always has something funny to say. And he is always asking me questions about the baby. I went to the dentist last week and he asked me if the dentist took my baby out. He cannot wait for the baby to get here. One day the baby had the hiccups so I had Swade put his hand on my belly and feel the hiccups. He sat there for 20 minutes and laughed hysterically everytime my belly would "jump". My favorite most recent time with Swade is when he asked me to unbuckle his seat belt and get him out of his car seat so he could "scratch his butt". Thats exactly what he told me. So sure enough I let him unbuckle so that he could scratch and get back to his movie.

Swade has been as photogenic as I am. He is always willing to take a picture and loves to see what he looks like in the picture afterwards. In this picture we were supposed to be flexing our muscles. And at the last minute he said his muscles were too big for the picture.

My favorite times with Swade are when he's tired and in a cuddly mood. On the way home from our weekend at the motocross and rodeo he spent most of the trip cuddled up next to me. So I took advantage of it and held his hand most of the way. It was getting so hot for me tho that I finally had to prop him up and just let him sleep away from me.
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This is Kent and my dad giving Vance a prep talk before his 2nd race. He was really nervous. I think he was so scared because his crash in his previous race was totally out of his control. So he was nervous that something would happen again. But he did AMAZING. You could really tell in his last two laps that he was getting confident again. He was really jumping high.

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This is the greatest man alive. The greatest man you'll ever meet. My great grandpa Vance. He is getting kinda crazy tho. Hahaha. When I was taking this picture he was having a dream and moving his mouth and lips like he was talking... but no words ever came out. Then he just started making noises. Haha. When I gave him a hug and was talking to him he said he finally feels like he is getting old. I guess at age 94 it hits you that you are old.

This is what Swade wore from Thursday night when we left... till Friday night at the rodeo. The dirt was really starting to stick to him. And he still had to wear his boots and Carhart with his sweats. He was having so much fun running around with Vance and Nick. They basically had a free run all around the rodeo grounds. There was a skate park and a playground. So they ran all over the place.

You can kind of see the pink and brown flower that my dad bought from the little girls at the rodeo. They thought it was so funny that he would buy a flower for him and put it on his hat. Even after he left we could hear them talking about how silly this old cowboy was for wearing a bow on his hat. He probably made their whole day by sitting there and teasing them and joking with them.

This was at the motocross track. We were parked right on the front of the track next to the Ahleen's so we had front row seats to all the races. Everyone who didn't get to park up there had to sit on bleachers or in the dirt. So we really had amazing seats right at the front. You can see all the kids in the back... Swade had kids everywhere to play with and run around with. I only lost him once when mom and dad was gone. And he came runnin back and said "I was just runnin around. Im a big boy". We all had a blast. But Vance had the best time out of all of us. This is his "world" and everything he loves.
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This was my moms way of blocking out the sun. She has been making burp rags for the baby for the past week. She had head phones in and was trying to get some sleep. ... about 30 min later she found that impossible with Swade in the back screamin and yellin.

Swade FINALLY fell asleep on the way home from the motocross on Saturday afternoon. This was one of the ways I came up with to prop his head up so he would STAY asleep.

This past weekend was AMAZING. We left Thursday night and went and stayed at grandpa Vance's house in Fremont. Woke up to snow and freezing cold weather. We stayed around Wayne County for the day and then headed to Castledale. Castledale is about the worst town I have ever been to. I really couldn't figure out what the point of the town was. But the rodeo was way fun and Shaylee totally kicked butt on all her events. The highlight of that day was when my dad bought a pink flower from a few little girls that were selling them at the rodeo and he still has it pinned to his hat. Ill post a picture.
Friday after the rodeo in Castledale we drove to Price. We got there about 9 and found a spot to camp. The next morning Shaylee had rodeo and Vance had motocross. Luckily the motocross was right across the street from the rodeo. So we ran back and forth so we could watch Shaylee run and still make it back to Vance's race.
Vance totally KICKED BUTT in his race. But on his first lap, someone clipped his back tire and made him crash. He was pretty upset about it. And it took him a few hours to decide that he was going to do his second race. In his 2nd race he did even better. He was getting so high on some of the jumps. Ill post some pictures of that too. He got a trophy and a Ogio wallet and he is pretty excited about his next race.
We stayed at the motocross all day. It was so much fun. The weather started to get bad and then we left. But it was so much fun. Kent, Denise and Zach are the neighbors that live next door to us. They were there and we hung out with them all day. Denise is a hoot. She had me laughing all day long. And Kent wants me to name my baby Cledus. So all day he kept askin me how Cledus was doing and if I was doing ok. Hahahaha.. The whole weekend was amazing. The rodeo really got me excited to rodeo this summer.
This weekend was so much fun. I kinda feel like I over did it though. Last night I was sick on the way home and all day today. I stayed in bed all day till about 4:00. But I'm starting to feel better. So hopefully it was just lack of sleep!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I can officially place a bowl, or a plate, or a pop can ON my belly.
I no longer walk... I "waddle".
I consume more food than I ever thought was possible.
And today I was laying in bed and the baby kicked so hard it made my whole body and bed move and hit the wall. That one hurt. Hahhaa.
My feet have become so swollen that I have no ankles. And my toes are sooo fat. Not all the time luckily, but some days are better than others.
When I shower, the towel no longer covers my whole belly. I have to use a huge beach towel. Or wrap myself in 2 or 3 towels.
I am glad that we dont have TV in the house anymore. Because when I did... every commercial either made me sad or hungry.
I have a hard time getting off the floor, off the couch, out of the car, into the car, out of bed.... anywhere at all is hard. A few weeks ago I ripped my pants getting out of Shaylee's car.
I can no longer see my feet. Let alone paint them or tie my shoes.
I am scared to cough or sneeze because I always have to change my whole outfit afterwards.

I have absolutely loved being pregnant. There are definitely been ups and downs. But I never thought that my baby getting the hiccups would be so entertaining to me. I listened to them one day with the heart monitor that I have. I guess I was expecting the sound of a hiccup. But I sat there for over an hour listening to him move.

I have decided on a name. But I am not going to tell anyone what my little boy is going to be named. You will all just have to wait till he gets here to find out! Sorry mom.... you have to wait too!

pictureeeeeeeees (:

This was in Wayne when we went and saw a movie
This is the day of my shower. My mom is the best. And
my best friend!
This is my long lost friend Leslie. . .

And this is the famous Swader Bader. Everyday he
comes up with a new name for my baby. Yesterday it was Tray.
Today he said I should name him Strat. (:
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and some MORE...

This is the HUGE basket that Kristy gave me. It had everything I need from now until he's 2! Bottles, sippy cups, binkeys, and tons of clothes. Everything from newborn to 24 months... really there is more than it even looks like in the picture. There was everything he needs for a bath, everything he needs for every meal... there was bibs and spoons and forks and bowls and plates... and like I said... EVERYTHING.

This is the outfit that my mom gave me. Everytime we find anything that says mommas boy, or anything to do with mom.... we buy it. Hahaha. I have quite the collection of clothes that say he is a mommas boy. This is the outfit I will probably be bringing him home from the hospital in. I've been in the process of washing everything that he has in the dreft soap. And theres not much left to wash. I think I am officially ready for him to be here.

This is one of his many first pairs of wranglers. Theres no legs to them haha. Just enough to cover his bum. Which will be perfect for this summer. Denise and Ericka bought these so that he could dress up to fit in with the rest of my family. (:
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MORE baby stuff!!

This is the car seat that I wanted sooooo bad. Grandma Trena, Grandma Wood and Aunt Sandy all went in on a gift and this is what they got me. I've got it all put together now and ready to go so that when he decides to come all we have to do is grab this and the diaper bag I packed and head to the hospital.

This is the crib that was given to me by my moms friend Vickie. She gave me soooo much baby stuff!! There was a crib, a changing table, a rocking chair, and a high chair. I am so lucky that she gave all of this to me. Cribs are $200 and I wouldnt have bought one for him because they are sooo expensive. I keep telling my mom that he is going to be sleeping in my bed everynight anyways but she says that he's going to grunt and make noises all night and Im going to want him on the other end of my room. I still think she's wrong.... maybe (:
This is the changing table that Vickie gave me. Its all loaded up with all of the stuff that I got from the baby shower. The two boxes on the right have 704 wipes in each box. Then you can see all the wipes that are lined up on the bottom shelf. I have TONS of wipes. I guess that just says how messy babies are. Then to the right is my amazing diaper genie that I bought with the money that Shad and Kelly gave me. I love it already. Its pretty nifty. And all of that isnt even half of the stuff that I got from the baby shower!

This is a little onesie that Aunt Kristy gave me. It's so cute! She gave me another one that says "Small dark and handsome". Holy holy holy.... she gave me a HUGE basket of baby stuff. Ill post a picture.... (:
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This is what the baby binkeys look like. Hahahaha. We made a ton of them and had them sitting out at the shower. We still have a lot left over too.

This was the invitations that we sent out. My mom and I decided to have the shower a week from the day that we started making the invitations. So we put 90 invitations together in less than 24 hours and had them mailed out the next day.

This is the gift that I got from Cory and Wendy. Wendy works at the western store here in town and knows that this baby is going to be a cowboy the day he is born. This was one of my most favorite gifts that I got because it was something that I would have bought for him if I would have seen it.

These are the boots that also came with the wranglers and button up shirt. I didnt get a whole lot of cowboy stuff, but these are the cutest boots I've ever seen.
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6 more weeks...!!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 34:fetus in eighth month Your amazing baby is on the move! They’ve been riding fairly high in your stretched-out womb till now (while kindly compressing your poor internal organs), but now they’re planning on making the big move to your pelvis this week. If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift that signals that your baby is most likely out of breech position, with their head now resting on your pubic bone. In liver news: although not quite fully formed, your little miracle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste. In general, most of your child’s prenatal physical development is pretty much up to snuff and ready for the outside world. Naturally, further weight gain is expected—so you’re still not at maximum capacity despite probably feeling like you definitely are maxed out.

And how's mom doing? Obviously the big change for you is the notable weight shift (known as “lightening” or “engagement”). Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs. Yes dear, you’re officially “waddling” these days. Try to comfort Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs yourself with this thought: it’s nearly over. Soon, you’ll just have to carry your adorable little watermelon in your arms. And in a rare spate of good news: this weight shift means you can breathe easier now that your lungs aren’t compressed. The not-so-good news, it’s a trade off: (we’ll wait till you’re back from the restroom) this new position has your poor bladder even more squished than before. We’d recommend writing your bladder little love poems to convince it not to leave you altogether, but unfortunately bladders don’t speak English (only Italian love poems will do).

If you've recently noticed some less-than-appealing itchy red bumps on your belly (and possibly around your thighs and belly), you've got yourself a harmless but not fun round of pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP if your don't have the patience for the full name). If you feel itchy ALL over your body, that's different, and you should call your health care practitioner as this could be a liver problem.

At your next check up you can expect your physician to conduct a Group B Streptococci test (GBS), a common bacteria screening. As long as you have a strong immune system, you’re in the clear (one more reason to eat right and exercise!), but your little one is more susceptible to serious health complications (including meningitis, pneumonia and blood infection) if not diagnosed and treated properly—so the tests are good for some peace of mind. Hang in there momma, you’re already a super-star for making it this far!